This is what we hear from the Buddhist version of the history. They were followed by about a dozen Westerners . Remember this association of Yamantaka with Manjushri? Its a very different type of Buddha. (3) And then the third point is that he holds a khatvanga staff, which indicates that he incorporates the teachings of voidness and bliss from Chakrasamvara. Highest Yoga Tantra understanding Emptiness, overcoming death Alexander Berzin explains the Highest Yoga Tantra, such as Yamantaka practice, and how it helps us understand Emptiness (Voidness) and, with practice, ultimately overcome death, for the benefit of all beings: As we see with how we set our motivation in the Buddhist practice, we are moved by compassion. detailed instructions with measurements for drawing a weapon-wheel used for pacifying, increase, control and forceful actions, then the gathering of the syllables to be placed on the weapon-wheel. The attributes of the main deity are the same in both forms. He represents the power, energy, and fearlessness of the Buddhas. We happily welcome both sponsorships and donations to make these teachings possible! Yamantaka's power and virtue are therefore equal to that of a buddha. While trying to find him, one day at the bank of a river he saw a boat without an oarsman overturn and all of the passengers drowned. Tring, U.K., The Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1996. Origins Otherwise, I wish you the best. He stands in (or rather is caught in) the warrior pose that will be familiar to those who practice Hatha Yoga. The Guru said It was worthwhile to lie. Its supposed to be kept that way because it could be completely misunderstood as some horrible thing, and that practitioners actually go out and kill people. You could have a dog that does that. Anuttara Yoga Tantra is divided into father- (Tib: pha-rgyud) and mother-tantra (Tib: ma-rgyud). That is symbolized by Yamantakas set of hands, on the left side set of hands, you will see one row, one row, one hand is holding one man impaled on a stick. Its interesting. This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received this. Why? The principal practice texts come from Tsongkhapa (13-Deity) and Pabongka (Solitary Hero). His hundred-syllable mantra is the quintessence of all mantras. Okay? And whats the point here? Number three. These are called the Three Rounds of Tantras (rGyud-skor gsum). Anywhere else would be too distracting. The Guru was very stubborn. Later, Yamantaka becomes associated with Manjushri, who embodies wisdom or the understanding of reality. In the Shiva tantra context (plus you get tantra in the Shaivite system) and in the Buddhist one, you get a very parallel development and parallel names. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. Another benefit is within Yamantakas tantra, within Yamantakas tantra, if you practice, it is said that you do not need to practice any other tantras whatsoever, no other tantra is necessary to become Enlightened. Already in the fourth century you find Yamantaka.. Chakrasamvara (Heruka) is a mother tantra practice of anuttarayoga tantra. Gelug Tibetan Buddhist tradition. So its the same thing: the practice of Yamantaka imitates the practice of death, what happens at death. Transcript for Advice to a Yamantaka Initiate. Lalitavajra was studying this Concert of Names of Manjushri, and in that text he came across some lines in the section Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness. I wont read the full lines, because we dont have so much time, but just the parts of the lines. So he met this dakini, and she gave him the initiation of Vajrabhairava. See also: What Is Chakrasamvara Practice?]. Next to where the Eastern Mongols lived were the Manchus. the arising of Vajrabhairava from voidness and then Manjushri, as in the sadhana, with the full description of the visualization of the full Vajrabhairava (single deity), with mention of recitation of the mantra 300,000 times for the short retreat. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. So we have this whole development within the non-Buddhist Indian context of Yama, the Lord of Death, and even putting an end to Yama in the Shiva complex.. Within, within the four, the highest is the Maha Anuttara tantra. So the Second Buddha is called Gyalwa Nyipa. Manjushri told him, Go to Ogyen, to Oddiyana, and there youll find the full teachings of Vajrabhairava., So he traveled from Nalanda Nalandas in central India, north of Bodh Gaya, not that far from Bodh Gaya. In both schools, Vajrabhairava is seen as the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the Buddha of wisdom. It was a woman who transmitted all of this and got it all started. Yamantakas tantra, (Tibetan words], means it has seven special attributes, seven special attributes. So that means that he incorporates the Guhyasamaja type of practices. And so he wondered, Who is this Vajrabhairava? As Vajradhara or, here, appearing as Yamantaka or appearing as Chakrasamvara or as Kalachakra a Buddha appears in all these different forms of deities and at any time of history, but its not a historically definite time. After the thirteenth month he had a full vision of Yamantaka. Whereas in other tantras its OM, whatever deity, Its not just ethnologically fascinating but actually its very helpful to see that there is historical evidence and a historical development of why we had these practices, why they were in this form, and why they developed where they developed not just some fantasy story of some Buddhists. The most ferocious, the most wrathful is Yamantaka. OM YAMANTAKA ARGHAM, PADYAM, GHENDE, PUSHPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, NAIWITYE, SHABTA PRATICCHA HUNG SOHA. We have in Guhyasamaja, as I mentioned in my previous lecture about that, a whole different system of secrecy than we have here in Vajrabhairava. (This is the Tibetan story, by the way.) So I have received your wonderful offering, and I thank you. Menekuni Sadhana Yamantaka Vajra harus sangat ketat mentaati sila, barangsiapa melanggar sila berat maupun melanggar pancasila tidak boleh menekuninya ; Kecuali memohon pertobatan kepada Vajrasattva, menjapa 21 kali Mantra Sataksara Vajrasattva, setelah menjapanya menyatakan pertobatan, menekuninya hingga muncul fenomena manggala dari buah . Hence within the tantric system, you have four sets of tantras: Charya, Yoga, Kriya and Maha Anuttara tantra. A Buddha that appears and teaches the tantras is yet another type of Buddha. In order to engage in its practice, . It was like a dream to Ra Lotsawa. Its not easy to memorize these things., He realized that it was beyond his ability to memorize so much (because it was quite big), and so he circumambulated the stupa and made requests to Manjushri for inspiration, and he was able to memorize three texts. Now, there are several ways in which we could work to attain the body, speech, and mind of a Buddha. You understand on a deeper level a Buddhist analysis of different points of view. If you think in terms of Well, it was Buddha Shakyamuni who taught tantra in other words, the historical Buddha as described in the Pali canon, the Theravadin canon then youre going to see, well, thats completely contradictory with the Buddhologist study of the history of Buddhism, completely contradictory. Visualizing oneself in this highly energetic form of the yidam is said to help conquer and transform negative emotions. There was one big Sakya lama who was out there, and he complained to the Manchu ruler, saying Come on. This is, just in very general terms, a little bit of what is Yamantaka all about for those who might not have so much of a background. He came from Odisha. He said, I am in complete possession of wealth as vast as space, I dont need any expensive offerings or praises. Ra Lotsawa had been thinking in too limited a way. Psychologically very helpful. The latter gives more detail about practices to access clear light mental activity (T: od-gsal) and focus it with blissful awareness on voidness, as the immediate cause for achieving a Buddhas omniscient awareness or dharmakaya (Tib: chos-sku). Thats the reason. This is earlier than when Hinduism itself became codified, so it was in the pre-Hindu Indian tradition. Its much easier to say Yamantaka in Mongolian than to say Vajrabhairava, and so because of that, most of the time its called Yamantaka and not Vajrabhairava. Share dan bookmark melalui: It gives it a context. Remember Lalitavajra, the guy who found it there in Ogyen, hes the tenth century. These teachings were first spread from Urgyen to India in the tenth century by a great master from Nalanda Monastery called Lalitavajra, and then to Tibet in the next century, in the eleventh century. So, that type of suffering that we have to endure, by Yamantaka holding that man on a stick, represents that even some karma that means you have to really go to the Three Lower Realms, to Hell to suffer, you can purify through Yamantaka tantra. Teacher: Jhampa Shaneman DATE: Feb 17 to 26, 2023 The first pair of hands hold a curved knife and skull cup to the heart. This is because Yamantaka is very strong and powerful, and Mongols are very strong and powerful people, so they would like that type of practice. For that you need a teacher.. And in fact he meets a female practitioner, a so-called deep-awareness dakini (ye-shes mkha-gro). So Kalantaka, and then you have the Buddhist variant Yamantaka, the one that puts an end to Yama.. But very strong energy is very dangerous to work with. Thats in the seventh century. So what does this tell us? And one collects great amount of merit while one is perpetuating Yamantaka. It seems that the term Yamantaka (and Yamari) is used in a more general way than Vajrabhairava which is restricted to the buffalo-headed yidam of the Gelug and Sakya schools (see Lokesh Chandra). Contact: June 2014. Thats not the Buddha that theyre talking about. The right legs are bent pressing down on a man, animals and various gods. Khenpo Sherab Sangpo suggests that his students recite . This evening Ive been asked to give an introduction to the Vajrabhairava (rDo-rje 'jigs-byed) system of the highest class of tantra, anuttarayoga tantra. They built big statues of Yamantaka and so on in the Beihai Temple in Beijing and one of the main halls of the Yungho Gung temple was devoted to Vajrabhairava practice, with a portrait of Qianlung Emperor as Manjushri/Tsongkhapa hanging inside it. It should be the same for other mantras, but I don't want to say that, as the benefits of OM MANI PADME HUM are what is explained. If you memorize this, well give you a yak, well give you a camel, stuff like this. Rilbu means qualified inner nectar pill put inside. For people who have taken the Yamantaka initiation and registered with us, we have an extensive collection of practice materials. Now you have no more obstacles and have been uplifted by Buddhas compassion., The Guru then told Ra Lotsawa to make preparation for the teachings in a different place. Its totally improper to bribe people to practice this tantra. But the Manchu ruler didnt want to get involved with this, and so he said, Take it to the Fifth Dalai Lama. The remaining chapters of The Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra deal with: The Three Chapter Explanatory Tantra contains: The Musk Shrew Chapter deals with the attainment of powers through the use of the skin of an animal called the musk-shrew (til-la). A student asked Rinpoche about putting Yamantaka mantras inside a prayer wheel. And if people try to do it and use these disturbing emotions before they are at a sufficiently highly developed level, the danger is that they really come under the influence of anger and desire, and then its a disaster. New rebirth samsaric rebirth with another cluster or configuration of these habits being activated and generating the next samsaric life filled with the same types of compulsive behavior and confusion. The protectors are like a dog, a very vicious, powerful dog. In the Buddhist variant, Yamantaka overcomes Yama like Shiva overcame Yama using the name Kala, Kalantaka. But now its with a totally calm understanding of reality that we can apply in meditation at this time of clear light in order to be able to get: If we do this often enough and strongly enough, were able to stay like that forever. But its a water buffalo. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. Very often women think that women didnt play a very major role in the historical development of Buddhism. That was kept in the Dharmaganja Stupa it was kept inside which was venerated by all the dakinis. Media in category "Yamantaka". So environmental, meaning place, time meaning how far away it is from the Buddha first turned the wheel of Dharma to the end of the Dharma, which is 5,000 years. Consequently the practice became one of the three principal tantras taught at the tantric colleges and monastic universities. Were talking about this region. The deity yamantaka, as the name suggested, is terrifying to behold. And I must say I dont know. Theyre not different people. But how do you understand this person? (The mandala is the palace in which we live as this figure: not that theres a kitchen and a living room or anything like that, but were in this palace. Anyway, enough of history and stories. In his outstretched right hand he wields a vajra, and his left hand holds a lasso with which to bind demons. And all these different Indian traditions have their own variant of them, their own version. I am fully satisfied with your progress. In this way, Ra Lotsawa had much hardship in bringing this teaching to Tibet. suggest the same. So even the most heinous crimes, if we do Yamantakas tantra very well, we can purify in one life. The Guru said they were all successful, The vision was correct, you have had nonconceptual cognition of voidness. Her physique is robust, matching that of Yamantaka. Then he was ready to do more meditation, there was no need for further teachings. Now lets become a little bit like scientists and look to see does this make any sense from a historical point of view. instructions for accomplishing various extremely forceful actions against harmful beings through fire pujas, meditation practices for extremely forceful actions against harmful beings and warnings about keeping secrecy about these practices.. The third mantra is 21 but if you can do more its much, much, much, much better. Hence, within this, the Sutra path is much longer. So if you think Well, did the historical Buddha do that? then you get very confused. Theyre not. Thank you for anything you can offer to help. So what we want to do is to be able to overcome that kind of death and instead be able, in our meditation, to get to that subtlest level of mental activity. Each face has three large round eyes, bared fangs and frightful expressions; brown hair flows upward like flames. yamantaka mantra benefits . Proofread by Sarah Yap To receive it there are many requirements: (1) very strong faith in the Guru, (2) many offerings made to please the dakas and dakinis, (3) offerings of what is most precious to you as a way to overcome your self-grasping and perfect your practice of far-reaching generosity. Why Ogyen? So he is that powerful. That man impaled on a stick represents the result of negative karma and the incredible sufferings that we have to endure. So he walks all the way over there. Either one is very good. All of that is implicit in these various rituals and things that are explained in the texts which sound as though they are horrible black magic for actually harming others, harmful beings, whereas the intention is for harming the internal enemy, our own selfishness. The one that is commonly practiced in the Gelug has nine heads, thirty-four arms, and sixteen legs. One monk from there Ra Lotsawa he was called, Ra (Rva) from Radreng Monastery went to Nepal to try to get more understanding of the teachings. So we have to use some very strong energy. And in the Avesta you also find Yama here its called Yima and hes also the first man to die, and he also becomes the guardian of the hells. All the various Indian deities, these various figures, are always riding on top of something. Remember Yamantaka is the one that puts an end to Yama (Yama is the Lord of Death), and remember I explained the whole reason why you want to get rid of ordinary death.. Note that Vajravegas root mantra contains the praise in Sanskrit: To the one who acts on behalf of Vajrabhairava. The name Vajrabhairava also appears in Vajravegas 72-line garland mantra., Manjughosha is another name for Manjushri., Lalitavajra reads these lines and here you have all these names of Yamantaka and Vajrabhairava and Manjughosha. Ven. He is also one of the main yidams in the Sakya school where he comes in a variety of appearances (with different mandalas). Welcome to the world of Tibetan Buddhism! Eventually Atisha brought the tantras of Vajrabhairava to Tibet, and his disciple Dromtonpa (Brom-ston rGyal-bai byung-gnas) founded Radreng Monastery, (Rva-sgreng rGyal-ba'i dben-gnas). So, do the sadhana, torma, sensory offerings, then every two weeks do tsog or extra three times mantra and read up on your Bodhisattva Vows and your Tantric Vows, very important, they should have it in Chinese, Im sure. Transcribed by Tenzin Losang Its the region just south of that. This whole thing of making requests you have to really understand what that means. So hence, it has those kind of benefits. He then killed the two thieves and drank their blood from cups made from their skulls (so the skull-cup image). And so the protectors are like this vicious dog, and you have to be the very strong Vajrabhairava in order to control that dog; otherwise its going to bite you. Manjushri is the one that Tsongkhapa had all these visions of and relied on for getting real nonconceptual cognition of voidness., And it goes down the Gelugpa line to, eventually, the Fourth Panchen Lama. As general background, we need to have just some general idea of what is tantra about. If you like, this, this also can be burned. We have all these habits of our confusion all these habits of compulsive behavior based on confusion and disturbing emotions and because of the momentum of so many lifetimes of being under the influence of these habits, what happens? So, therefore out of the various sets of Yamantaka tantras, he took out two sets of Yamantaka tantras. Lama Zopa Rinpoche has requested that only those who have received full initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra practice of Yamantaka (Dorje Jigje) read this book, however, two chapters are available here for the general public to read. When he went in, he saw a Yamantaka painting on the wall with five offerings before it. His main teacher, Gyume Khenzur Rinpoche Ugyen Tseten, the retired abbot of Lower Tantric College. Are they all Shakyamuni? Practice Being Kind Never Undo the Past Appreciate What You Have Practice being Calm always Be Compassionate to Everyone Reach Your Full Potential by eliminating Fear Have Peace in Your Heart Let Your Light Shine Thru What can I do to make a meaningful difference in the World May All Beings enjoy Happiness Hindi Posters The name Bhairava indicating one of Shivas main forms and the various attributes/implements like the trident, tiger-skin, ashes, drum (Skt: damaru), etc. Already there was an association between the Manchus and the Dalai Lamas. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. In the highest class of tantra you have four initiations (or four empowerments), and the fourth one is to empower you to do the final, final, final practices where you have the practice of the two truths simultaneously., Thats the only point that is hidden or secret in terms of that division. So he bribed people; he said, Memorize the mantra. Vajrapani wears a loin-cloth around his hips. We have this division in anuttarayoga tantra, the Gelugpa version of anuttarayoga tantra, of the obscure (or hidden or secret) tantras (sbas-rgyud) and the clear tantra (gsal-rgyud) (which is Kalachakra). So you find this very interesting, very odd way in which Yamantaka practice then becomes so popular among the Mongols and the Manchus, and you find big statues and things in Beijing and in other parts of China. You have to remember when we talk about tantra and the accounts of how Buddha taught tantra not to think in terms of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha. Along with practising Yamantakas tantra, one can perfect memory, clairvoyance, penetrative insight, one can have great debate, one can have great speech, one could have perfect understanding of the Dharma. They refuse to let him take the texts with him; he was only allowed to memorize as much as he could in a short time and then write it down upon his return.Siklos (pp.5-10) gives a fascinating analytical account of the origins of the Vajrabhairava Tantra pointing towards the non-Buddhist Shaivite tradition in Western India (Kashmir & Afghanistan). Many months passed. In the Gelug school, Yama- or Dharmaraja is part of the Vajrabhairava practice. This is not childrens games here. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality ). ARGHAM, PADYAM, PUSHPE, DHUPE, ALOKE, GHENDE, NAIWITYE, SHABTA PRATICCHA HUNG SOHA. (Of course we can get very complicated and sophisticated here if we want to go further in this discussion, and I find it very helpful to analyze.) Second Buddha means the one thats equal to Sakyamuni after Sakyamuni. Thats one of the early tantras that was translated into Tibetan and which was incorporated in the Nyingma textual tradition. Representing as 34 arms holding all the tantra symbols and sixteen feet symbolize sixteen types of emptiness. The passage of time brings death, doesnt it? You can look at it two ways, cant you? Psychologically its very important, actually, because in order to feel safe even in a group-therapy session or in any type of psychological session you need to have a protected space in which you feel that no harm can come from the outside and you can relax. Now, when we learn this, what is the effect on us in terms of our practice? Then one should do, use a inner offering every single day, as part of the practice and make torma offerings, also two sets of sensory offerings and the sets of sensory offerings is very important. So we really need some very, very strong force not to just give in and let ourselves be ruled by this confusion. [See: What Is Guhyasamaja Practice? Buddha has given many sets of teachings, and they compose of sutra and they compose of tantra. So these ideas about Yama are percolating in this cultural area, with influence from these three different ways of thinking the Iranian, the Indian non-Buddhist, and the Buddhist. So it is saying The vajra with the lotus and the this and that, and you have no idea what theyre talking about. Whats the difference between the two? National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.jpg 2,299 3,845; 7.75 MB. He went to return to Tibet and a lady pulled him back when he was about to go. Both practice texts are available in English translation on this website. We want to help others as much as possible. This can take many forms: mindful meditation, insight meditation, visualized and deity meditations, mantra or ultimately all of these, which represent Body (mindfulness), Mind (insight and visualization) and Speech (mantra.) He himself wrote commentaries, his students also wrote commentaries on the practice of Yamantaka, and hence today the Yamantaka practice is very prevalent, very powerful and extremely widespread because of these great writings and Lama Tsongkhapas own personal practice. 13-Deity ) and Pabongka ( Solitary Hero ) he took out two sets of tantras ( gsum. 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