I called Cps and they refuse to do much of anything at all since most of the abuse is mental and emotional { it use to be physical} This is in the state of Nevada Legal aid has refused to help me saying they have to many clients etc. to release my 9 y.o to his fathers parents where he immediately recanted his in u live in tn. Ive had to go from constant 24 7 contact and carre to NO contact except my court ordered visits once a month (we live more than 100 mi apart) How can they keep me from speaking to him when it costs them NOTHING and I have NO DESIRE to leave messages on their phones any more than they want to recieve them.. I (Mother) have custody of my son, just recently my sons father gave me 30 day notice for his vacation time but i have family coming in to town that doesnt see our son very m uch the time he wants to take him i suggested another weekend besides that one but he said he wanted that weekend now he gave me a paper stating that if i didnt comply with his request he was going to notify the courts that i am in violation of the court order. Indirect interference: Disrupting communications between the child and the other parent, such as blocking phone calls, intercepting emails or text messages and preventing the other parent from attending school events or other activities. Richard C Bertram and Karin Spears has custody of Aurelia grandparent do not have custody or a court order to file taxies on Aurelia M Spears. I would take custody of her in a second, but right now she wouldnt want to live with me due to her dads manipulations. She has been rough with my son and he is 17momths old. they are supposed to come back wednesday aug 29. i live 1 hour away from the airport and hes telling me that i have to pick up the kids from the airport, which mind you he came and picked them up from my house when it was time for him to pick them up and take them to the airport back to florida, but yet he wont bring them here and hes making me meet him at the airport. Not to mention, the Statute states prior to the issuance of a temporary or final order of custody but after process was served. It will also completely reduce the huge overload of cases in the corrupt family court system. Is there anything I can do to the D.A for not keeping my sons interest at best?? Well I had made my mind up that I wasnt goping to give up anymore of my time with her. when they give rules and is not been following for one of the parties and only they do is give hard time to the other side and when you call for help to this sources :police,court,DCFS,sheriff,lawyers NO ONE ,ABSOLUTELY NO ONE SEEMS ARE THERE TO DO NOTHING so how you can protect your child?from the other parent ;who can help you ? My son is 6 years old and I have joint custody with his father. I just dont know what to do! There is evidence the Custodial parent is not supportive of the relationship with the non-custodial parent. Mother has primary custody in CA (where the court order was issued). The law says it is a court order and you must be there whether he comes or not does anyone know if that is right? This site includes everything you every wanted to know about divorce, alimony, child support and child custody, but were afraid to ask. If I were to make a guess on this, mind you only a guess which you may want to seek legal aid on this or go to the courthouse in your county. Then a homeless shelter, hotel, a drug house, and back to another homeless shelter. Anita Meh said: If you would like to continue helping us improve Mass.gov, join our user panel to test new features for the site. Family law & practice. Then when i went to press charges for custodial interference with the state police they ran my ID and a warrant had been issued without me ever being served a single document or complaint for phone harrasment because i had preveiously texted her and asked if i could see my son. i have a paper by a judge giving my temporary guardianship over my grand-kids untill we go to court in September 2010 and the great grandma knowingly took them across state lines and the law has done nothing,,,how do i get them to act. Answer is THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL WIN IN COURT YOU HAVE WILLFULLY BROKEN THE LAW and harmed your own children unless your attorney is sleeping with the judge or something corrupt like that. I hope this helped you out a little and if I can help any more just let me know. I have residential and shared custody with my daughter and my grandsons father. I think if this is true she should keep her mouth shut and not to continue the rumor? Make peace. It sounds like youre doing all youre supposed to, though. Ive tried to be compassionate with you, but your anger and personal vindictive agenda towards the childs other parent is blatant. I am the non custodial parent. If he does you will have to talk to the judge which may be nerve racking, thus the reason why a judge may nit hear the case due to aged. So my daughter been living with me over a year her mother currently has custody. He came up with a huge story that he told our daughter that she needed to stick to, however the police talked to both my ex and our daughter. Free Consultation: (617) 367-0450 Tap Here to Call Us ; . Could I get in trouble and doesnt my 17 year old have a voice outside of court to refuse to go to his dad? Adoption of Franklin, 99 Mass. What have we done wrong? Can I enforce the order without my childs consent. I am the custodial parent of my minor child in VA. My ex and I have a separation agreement spelling out our custody arrangement and visitation schedule. Oh yeah, my son and I are getting counseling with a domestic violence shelter, and he recently reported that he was sleeping in bed with his dad and his 3 girlfriends, all at the same time! What are my options? He told my daughter that now, shes not getting her daughter back at all! Not only would it help your man but all men to show them that they can stand up to an unjust system that makes the laws but does not enforce them to protect the fathers. After our second hearing she was advised by her court appointed lawyer to file an OSC. My daughter receives no help raising this little girl and she does it all on her own with no State benefits either. Will they have to come with me even if they dont want to acording to the child custody laws? Last weekend she told my 17 year old to go to your mothers house and dont come back k all because he didnt wash his clothes. best of luck and dont be to heartbrokendid you really want someone who always ignored you an did not see the true treasure before him? Does the mother have to return the child if he is not returning to the fathers residence/care but is going to a different-than-ordered caretaker in whose care another of her children was driven to suicide? The main thing is the protection and best interest of the children. WTH? What can we do to correct this heart breaking issue. Her mother has kept her from her biological father for over 14 years. do i call the police and make a scene or believe in the system at trial, dec 9. They called me (the custodial parent) and explained what happened and asked to be picked up. Court gave her limited supervised visitations and in those visits she would abuse him on several accounts, and disappear from visits and I even search and looked for her when she disappeared. What if every time my kids visit their father, him and his new wife drill the kids for information and get child protection involved and any other amenities to get the paramount parent in troube? If they are attempting to buck the system, stand solid with the parent of your child. When the child is under 18, one or both parents can ask the court to make decisions . When My son was almost 16 years old his father brought me back to court for support , stating he HAD to raise Jordan all these years He lied in front of the magistrate telling me my son wanted a relationship knowing I would just agree to pay anything and I did. This evening we received a text message saying that their son will not be coming tomorrow for his scheduled visitation because she took him out of state for the funeral anyways Mind you, this is not the first time she has done this and she is constantly trying to change visitations around to suit her needs. What do i need to file in order to get my time share back he had 22% and i had her the rest of the time. With that said even if you have a court establish an order it is very tough to have another case uphold the first states court order unless either state establishes the action of one parent as criminal in nature. So sorry for your loss and now the loss of the twins in a way, too. he is ordered to purchase tickets 60 days prior to then. As long as the mother is around I would answer NO. Not by choice; through ridiculous rulings by a commissioner acting as judge pro-tem. Hope I helped some let us know how it goes Blessings to you and yours. Random call, since she hadnt called me in over 3 months. A person accused of custodial interference can defend the removal or concealment by showing that he or she reasonably believed that the failure to remove the child would have subjected the child's health and safety to a "clear and present danger.". Of course, depending on what the Court Order says on it. Because sooner or later you have to deal with issues like single mom Thank you Christine and her I ask her father did you give her the meds he replys no i dont think she needs it! My ex husband took my 13 year old daughter. I also had to request a paternity test on my free will because my ex continuously was taking other men in for paternity but would never mention me so I called and requested one my self and the results were as I know 99.99 percent I was the father. The only A couple days ago his mother asked if she could take him out of state during dads visitation time to go to a funeral for the new step dads mother (whom the child does NOT have a relationship with at all,) dad said No, it is his time to see his son. Say for example if your husband died..the grandmother would not even have the right to visitation. Status quo is every other weekend and one day a week. my girlfriend, non custodial parent, is having a problem with her ex, custodial parent, calling whenever he wants during our weekend. If they enroll her in school am I able to withdraw her or is that illegal on my part. Now Im fighting for custody and have bee since November. For the past 4 years he hasnt been home, going to the gym and hunting every weekend and staying drunk in between. How can they not go by the court order and get away with this every time? He had custody of the children where the mom had supervised visit because her boyfriend brok the youngest one leg at 8 months olg. vs. S.C., 97 Mass. I have joint legal custody and my husbands new wife signed as being the parent with joint legal cusody of my son on his drivers permit. We have NEVER co parented. Can I legally keep him? Under the law, this child has one mother and one father. Despite many attempts, The ex refuses to discuss the matter. The mother has kept minimal contact with my step son. She is confident she has this case won, for the simple reason she says well I dont have my kids with me when we are together. how much of a chance do ya think I have on getting sole custody of my two children ages 3 and 17 months? He hates that Im dating someone and has been trying to cheat me out of parenting time. But we are just getting the runaround about court and things like that. I went to pick my kids up and he went behind my back and got a temporary custody order for our son and my daughter that is not his biological child back in 2008. Can a costodial parent not give you access to your child with a court order of visitation? There is no order saying I cant see my son, the judge left it up to my ex. Build your case, then call your attorney and let them know you want to address these issues legally. The clerk might have a form available to help you draft the motion. Out of all 3 of these investigations I received letters stating that no evidence was found. On several occasions I have also, within the past 2 years, had to call our local Sherriff to order my ex to obey the court order for my weekend and summer visitations . a frustrated mom. Remember if she screws up it is not your problem, it is hers. Is this a form of Custodial interference seeing that we have joint custody as per our court order? My husband has not let me contact my son at all stating because I am not paying child support he tells me I no longer have the right to speak with my son until I pay up. Can the police in Arizona legally throw the mother in jail for keeping her child home when she is truly sick from 1 visitation now and then when she has a high fe er and is vomiting and wants her mommy? The judge didnt care and didnt listen or take anything logical into consideration. if not, that is a separate issue but if so and he is a deadbeat if he owes more than $5,000, has crossed state lines and has not paid in more than a year, this is a federal offense under the child support recovery act, 18 USC 228. The grandparents have NO court order to even visit with this child, they have NO parental rights, and nothing my daughter has agreed to has suggested they have any rights yet they are interfering with her communication with her own son! My brother has full custody of his 7 year old daughter. I worked with the new wife and she told me stories about the children and what a terrible mother the ex-wife was. HOw is that possible? She threw a lamp at him, then made him go to school with the black eye that resulted from the lamp being chucked at his face: and then my sons father filed a police report on her for doing that. Hed begged me many times before and I was so fed up that I didnt take him back. What state are you in? She also helps the child lie to say she is one place but then goes some where else. His father had emailed me requesting an additional week. So they put 2 and 2 together also. Anyone know if this is correct? Is there any legal way to stop her from removing the children and taking them out of state? Joint Legal Custody is in effect. Tina L. Lewert is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator. (Phone book or court referral is a start on learning about how this works. Whenever I talked about us establishing some legal custodial rights to protect both of us, thats her thing making sure I have to power or say so when it comes to my son. Also nor he nor his family have made .mmnattempt to even see her or help me with anything for her in almost a year even though they live 4 houses down from mines. Hope this helps. Regardless, you have to find out what is best for him and do all you can to help him. But, no. I have not been able to find any information on courts enforcing the obligation of custodial parents to actually help to provide for children. I have visitation but the bitch keeps denying me half of them. What teenager could resist being chauffered to and from school every day with morning Starbucks and afternoon lunches at whatever restaurant she chose? And now they have served me papers and charing me with Custodical Interference. Can she stop visitations if I do not have transportation to pick him up? I was 18 years old then. If we say we want the best for our children how could we put them through these kinds of custoidial battles. He tells me Im not allowed to have him around anyone he says he doesnt want him around but refuses to meet my boyfriend despite how much Ive begged because my boyfriend is a great guy and father of 3, two of which he has full custody of. Stop going after the other parent because your upset over something the other parent is doing, and to look as though you want whats best for the child by using their child to get even. what can we do? what about the mothers going through this my kids dad has refused me all visits for four years. My husband took me to court for visitation for both of my kids hes in prison for a while I have primary residence and custody of them until he gets out then he can have my daughter because he has custody of her the thing is i waved my right to a lawyer and a trial hes now saying that i have no rights to both my kids when he gets out they combined both court orders does that mean i have no rights to them and if i dont how can i get them back i have been taking care of them since they were born and hes been in and out of prison i wanted joint custody but he said i lost custody to both of my kids what can i do can someone help me, Question on if you have visitation decree that said child is to stay nights or days.but ex pretty much did not want to abide by it even thoe he payed attorney to create it 6 years since he gets them every other weekend they are 14.15 years old and 2017 they did not want attend christmas dinner due to our beliefs and now he wants to abide .and im married now and they are use to how things been set up what are my rights, Your email address will not be published. Best of luck to every one and keep on keeping on. (Plus I felt it was to risky not to have legal representation.) The officers can assist you in the details on how to go about doing everything to make sure this doesnt happen again but make sure you file for contempt! A first degree charge of custodial interference is a class C felony. I have 3 kids with my ex who lives in AZ. Too many times if a parent cant or struggles with paying, the other parent wants to stop visitation and/or put them in jail. They refuse to let me see him? Basically, Im asking what rights do I have as the custodial parent to compel to him respond to my emails when he has our child with him? I have been in jail and in prison due to false allegations, but refuse to give up my fight (or should I say my daughters fight). can a custodyal parent keep a child from the non-costodyal parent if child support is not up to date but non-custodyal parent is still paying child suport . With joint custody (rsidential custody to you) in order for her to take your son or keep your son over and above any of the scheduled ordered visitation, you would have to agree to it or take it back into court. In all states, violating legal custody rights is a crime punishable by jail. I cant let this go on and I have been passive enough. More importantly, even if the non-custodial parent wasnt paying anything- the non-custodial parent still has equal access to his/her child! As I have no idea when and if she might actually do this, if anyone can help answer this question, I need help as soon as possible, do anyone who know to write a letter to the judge to ask for joint custody. (2) he knowingly takes or entices from lawful . I used our familys vacation money to do so. I have sole custody of my son since he was 6 months old, which has no geographical location restrictions, who was abandoned twice by his mother, then she returned months later as he was still a infant, homeless in his life. (She is now 2). One of the primary reasons I decided to divorce is due to her extremely controlling, abusive, and paranoid behavior (she has refused professional help). A commentator has suggested that the "takes or entices" branch of 26A may be applied even to a parent with legal custody or joint legal custody who interferes with the visitation or joint custody rights of the other parent. They are court ordered in a very specific parenting plan. State/Country relating to question: Texas. That time, he called CPS & told them that my daughter was always dropping my grandaughter off in dirty diapers & she had a horrible diaper rash. My ex wife is refusing now to bring my son half way for my visitation time. Its insane. I get along with my exhusband and we co-parent quite well. I has a mediation conference call with my daughters mother and both our attorneys a week ago to agree on some motions that we filed prior to our court date. As of this week she has gone behind my back and told the chool where my children attend tht under no circumstance are any teachers or staff to contact me about anything nor respond to anything regarding my children and tht she is to be contacted immediately and given the right to know our private converstions and intervine. I made sure and advised our child sorta what was going on obviosuly not everything but she knows mommy cant pick her up and daddys is supposed to bring her back and if he doesnt right away dont worry she will be coming home. methamphetamine drug user and has already in her past marriage lost 3 children due to her addiction and living environment. Ct. 906 (2012)A child born of a same-sex marriage is the legitimate child of both people. He has also commited a criminal act called CUSTODIAL INTERFERENCE!!!! I cannot force her to get on the bus to go back to Nevada from Utah. Get an agreement in place. His mother doesnt like me and degrades me to them. We are currently trying to get Sole Legal Custody (or at least Residential) because of several situations not the least of which is Medical Neglect against the kids and Domestic Violence between mom and her live-in boyfriend. They get yelled at and placed in time-out for 30 mins at a time. Any form of interference in custody rights that causes issues with the parental plan can result in contempt of court and other relevant legal penalties. I called the hospital, they wont even let me see him!! Of course he was very nice and told her that he did not want to arrest her for interference with custody. They still wont let me see my daughter that I raised since birth for three years its been 10 months now the judge has done I believe three hearings its almost like nobody cares if they would read it its plain as day it starts with Jeffrey Cason and Sherri Moore a 3yr old and a newborn into a case history of Jeffery Casanova his wife and a 1,3,&6 yr. old then in the back it goes to conclusions of me again Thats what we are and always will be. Welfare only covers so much and far be it from her to actually work (the child is 8 years old and since she got pregnant, shes been on welfare, refusing any and all employment opportunities that are offered to her) and provide for herself or her son. Im also considering filing extortion charges since prior to parental interference she threatened to withhold my daughter unless I signed an agreement to reduce my parenting time. Even if I showed them my sons birth certificate, SS Card with my name CLEARLY listed as the father and my own documentation, Im still SOL . Perhaps also put in the letter some verbiage that non-objection to this request is consider consent. The father bought her a car, paid 3 months for an apartment for her besides taking care of his little boys financial needs and also making sure the visitation was agreeable with the mother! There is a great spell caster called Great Owologbo who arrest, drugs, etc. What are my legal rights or what should I do? THERE ARE NO EXCUSES. There were 180 reports on file in Leon County Florida for Domestic violence filed by my neighborswhich is why I left him. Fathers should NOT be deprived of their children. My babys father (the cutodial parent) is currently in jail. He has lived in about 5 different houses with her, only one of them actually with her name on the lease, since 2008. Your child must have lived in Massachusetts for at least 6 months immediately before you file for custody. The other parent usually has visitation rights or a minor form . Father did not violate any laws, but his behavior should be brought to the family courts attention. Let it go beyond six months and it becomes their jurisdiction and you have to go there. He filed for custody and took the baby, against the mothers wishes, to the next county to his mothers house. If youre so burdened by having children, you shouldnt have to begin with. They will look to see how important this issue is to you. I was going out of my mind for those 3.5 weeks. I never drove. Until they cooperate you pick up the child per your agreement. Kudos, well written. the question is since there is absolutly no custody order, no court process at all do I have to return my son to his mother in Colorado after my holiday visit over Thanksgiving? He could petition the court, and the court could tell you that you can only live within a 100 mile radius of him. what do these adults say when you talk to them? During these two weeks Branden was going through hoes as quick as a *black person* runs from a KKK meeting. I reminded him Id be there on friday the 6th. I just want to help my stepson before it is too late and he just follows in his mothers footsteps. In addition to child support, my husband is responsible for all the travel to see / pick up the boy, clothing, shoes, school supplies; you name it, we pay for it. If Father does not consent you will have to file a motion in the family court in your county seeking permission. Lawyer to file an OSC and/or put them in jail C felony to come with me even the... Towards the childs other parent wants to stop visitation and/or put them in jail one place but goes... Stop visitations if I can not force her to get on the bus to back. 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